So these are a few ideas I been working on for Havana... The first one is to adding some fun to the propaganda look, Fidel is respresented in the Illustration shouting or demanding "viva la sandwich" the idea come up from the saying "viva la revolución" demonstrating the independence of Cuba. The "authentic as our history" slogan is to unify history with the authentic feel of Havana's cuisine.
The second campain is to implement some icons to the Ads, these will be "ilustres" in other words people that made a change in Cuba. The icons represent the poets, musicians, idealist and revolutionaries that put Cuba in the map.
So I finally had the courage to go and talk to the owner of Havana, and well... they are considering using my logo for the restaurant. Eduardo Benet Jr. was very entusiastic with all the ideas I presented, so next week I will bring all my designs and I will be "compensated" for my hard work. They really love the logo and a they had a few laugh with the ads, so lets see this will be my first paying client (hoooray!)
Thanx for everybody's feedback yesterday, this really help a lot and there are going to be some changes to the campaign. Furthermore I will also re-design the menu if you have any other ideas feel free to let me know.
"Viva Havana"
These are so good. And congrats, I applaud you for your bravery.
What if you tried losing the opaqueness in the first one on the jacket?? It may add 'pop' :)
Just a suggestion though.
chico! están chulísimos! me gustó mucho como todo se entrelaza con el slogan. sólo hubo una cosita that kind of threw me off y fue la mano de fidel. no sé como lo estás haciendo, pero si la palma de la mano estuviera hacia el público no se vería rara. otra cosa que podrías hacer es poner el sanwich al frente de la mano, por dos cosas: para arreglar la mano que se ve al revés y para lograr un mejor enfoque en el sandwhich, que es bien importante porque es lo que el restaurante quiere promover. te deseo mucha suerte con tu "recompensa" y el proyecto en general! mua!
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