Tuesday, February 12, 2008

close to the finish line, any suggestions?


Michelle said...

i really like how this has transformed, smart of you to put the silverware in the star, it does NOT take away from havana which is good, i like it a lot. have you tried havana in red or Cuban cuisine in red?

Drewbius Maximus said...

I like the transformation as well..however, I thought the flag as a napkin idea with the fork and knife at an angle made an interesting layout. Placing all of your elements into an enclosure might constrain/decrease the flexibility of your design, especially when you think about how your logo might be incorporated into an animation. Have you tried scanning any textures yet?
Don't get me wrong, I really like this design. It's very clean and precise. Think about your scalability too, the "cuban cuisine" type may need a slight increase in point size and maybe relocation down and to the right ( a little lower under Havana) may help it out.

I haven't had time to make my etching yet, but let me know when you are free tomorrow or this weekend and I can meet you in the printmaking lab to show you some processes. See you tomorrow, MARIO!

Drewbius Maximus said...

Actually, I take that back about the animation...I can see the star flying into the box and the fork/knife spiking up into the white space of the star (with the famous sword-from-the-holster sound effect: shwing!)

i think the fork and knife standing together gives the design an inviting feel. i guess i am just attached to the idea of the design as a place setting with the napkin and fork and knife arranged like a meal. think that was really interesting

Jared said...

Well, damn it Mario, I like it. I especially enjoy the lettering on Havana.

The knife and fork in the start is particularly clever. Way to go.

I'll have more thought out to say tomorrow, but bed time now - nice job - I don't mind the enclosure, but I do mind the exterior stroke. Perhaps get rid of that and just have the two boxes juxtaposed next to one another without being enclosed?

Jared said...

oh yeah, yay communism...

oh, cuba! oh, fidel, that crazy kid!